Monday, August 27, 2012

Digital payoff time

Student body officers 1946-47.
From 1947 yearbook, page 14.

Statement of first issue, page 9.
WE GOT A REQUEST from our colleague Faraah Mullings for information about the first yearbook at the Mount. Faraah is director of Student Activities and Commuter Services and also moderator of the yearbook staff. She wanted to provide some historic background for the new yearbook team about their distinguished predecessors and the 65 years of annuals they produced.

Digitization payoff time! The student editors can now see the yearbooks online, including the very first in 1947. Here's the link:

We spent a couple days last week with our volunteer Mary M. Ugianskis poring over yearbook metadata and making sure each edition was properly digitized. It's great to see that kind of time investment pay off so immediately.

Lest we forget, the Archives also has all the hard copies. It's a phenomenon of digitization that the results often spur a lot of interest in seeing and handling the originals. Faraah sent out a few students last week to find the Archives (first floor, Coe Library), and once they were here they promised they'd be back.

Student sketch of Brady Hall on page 25.